Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Reprogression by Kitty Jospé

"You can see its form if you follow the surfaces" – Bill Sellers

That advice should get you from trying to define
lines, how they rise, cut to the right, left,
make a geometric satisfaction before the sculpture
spires up like an obelisk, its stainless steel
reflecting light, negative spaces
framing the surroundings…
So, surfaces, but the sculpture still echoes—
for instance that art deco leitmotif on the building
being gutted before it will be removed.

You think it's easy to make a sculpture like this?
Think about just the word, progression,
how a sculpture puts a stamp to stop it
from each angle. Then starts again. Re-
progression. Think about the word easy,
which wants to flow, avoid tension—
like acrobats shinnying up a pole,
flipping, arching, flying, as if that's what
a body is made to do.

Think about serendipity – how the sculpture
arrived near those white lines flanging,
some flexible grasses around it—
makes the sculpture look impervious
to wind, to time, to change.

Like us-- where we land, how we're seen,
just touches the surface of understanding.

-- Kitty Jospé