Open today 12 – 5pm Members Exhibition Now Open!

Member Spotlight Torre/Hall Family

Q: Why do you love RoCo?
A: We love RoCo because it offers an amazing array of contemporary art in an urban and intimate setting. They feature local, national, professional, and amateur artists, something from/for everybody. RoCo is unique to Rochester, and a place where we always feel at home and far away at the same time.

Q: How long have you been a member?
A: 7 years or so.

Q: What is your favorite exhibition and why?
A: For us it’s definitely the 6x6 exhibit. The exhibit of thousands of artworks by renowned artists, up and comers, amateurs, and hobbyists is dizzying to the senses. You can go every day of the exhibit and find something different depending on your mood. One of our favorite pieces was chosen after the exhibit had closed and we were picking up our artwork. The RoCo staff were busy dismantling the exhibit so there were only random pieces still up on the wall. We saw this piece and marveled that we had never seen it before and that it was still available. It occupies a prevalent space in our home 6x6 exhibit that includes more than 50 pieces.

Q: What is your favorite piece from the current exhibition?
A: Haven’t been to it yet, but, love the idea of the Graphic Arts Workshop Exchange!

Q: What type of art do you collect?
A: We do not limit ourselves to a particular genre. We have quite a bit of contemporary Canadian art from the 50s and 60s, but have focusing lately on local Rochester artists. We like Tom Carpenter’s work, love David Bleich’s photography, and Annette Hakiel’s mixed media collages of Susan B. Anthony and Fredrick Douglass are totally badass! Art is so subjective, and we have many pieces that some people might not even consider art, but that we love, from the garbage-pick fiberglass faux church window hanging over our fireplace, to the display of 28 individual album covers of Ian Dury’s 1979 album “Do It Yourself”, to the polaroids of every day of our summer in 2009. It all holds different weight and light.