Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Member Spotlight Frank Argento

Q: Why did you become a RoCo member? 
A: I became a RoCo member because RoCo holds an important presence in the Rochester art community. It’s programs and exhibits led by Bleu Cease, enlighten audiences and offer numerous opportunities for established and emerging artists.

Q: What is your favorite exhibition and why?
A: My favorite exhibition is the 6x6 Exhibition because it invites the community to participate in generating 1000’s of 6x6” artworks for sale to the public. This beneficial event helps sustain RoCo’s mission, engages the art loving community, and is full of fun and entertainment.

Q: Tell us about an interesting experience you've had at RoCo. 
A: I enjoyed participating in The Days the Artists Spoke in RoCo’s 25th Annual Big Picture Members Exhibition, December, 2015. It was a special multi-day event of short, back-to-back talks by participating artists who spoke about their work and their creative practice. Also, along with attending various exhibitions, including the 6x6 exhibition, I attended and enjoyed a panel discussion 'Think globally. Create, experience & collect locally' organized by Rochester Art Collectors.

Q: If you could have one artist create your portrait, who would it be?
A: I’d like to have my brother-in-law Ramón Santiago, (R.I.P.) do a portrait of me. He painted a portrait of my mother “Grace” in his unique style. My wife, Linda, and my family cherish the portrait.

Q: What type of art do you collect?
A: I enjoy viewing all periods in art history, but I am most partial to modern and contemporary art because it expanded realism to include new creative and subjective interpretations of life.

Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I don’t have one favorite artist. I enjoy the work of several artists for contributing creative visions of life including, Matisse, Degas, Pablo Picasso, Jim Dine, John Singer Sargent, Andrew Wyeth, Andy Warhol and others.

Q: Where is your favorite place, in the East End, to get dinner/drinks after a RoCo Opening? 
A: My favorite restaurant in the East End was 2Vine, now it’s the Grill on East.