Open today 12 – 5pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Who Will Be Next?

June 2, 2023 - November 15, 2023

"Who Will Be Next?" is an ongoing social practice project created by collaborators Martin Krafft and Elena Makansi. Started six years ago in Tucson, AZ, this project has evolved through multiple iterations to invite gun violence survivors from around the country to share images with their loved ones to be traced in acts of ritual mourning. Throughout the process, Krafft and Makansi seek to center the experiences of those most harmed by gun violence. In order to make space for creative empathy, participants were also invited to trace photos of their loved ones and consider them as potential victims of gun violence.

Public Art: Three large panels feature tracings from previous iterations of the memorial project, including both past and potential victims of gun violence, created during a 63-hour long community vigil. Sections of the panels are blank and will be filled with images created by the Rochester community.

Inside RoCo: Visitors are invited to trace photographs submitted to the project by gun violence survivors. As this project is an act of ongoing community creation, visitors are welcome to send their images to

About the Artists

Martin Krafft is a social practice artist and filmmaker based in Schwenksville, PA. His work considers how the act of mourning can be a generative, cathartic one, allowing us to build connection drawing from our ability to care. He recently participated in a residency at the Visual Studies Workshop, focusing on his first feature-length documentary, and has previously been a resident at the Flower City Arts Center. martinkrafftphotography

Elena Makansi is an artist and writer based in Tucson, Arizona. Her mixed-media work explores grief and intimacy, especially as it relates to our relationship and attitudes toward nature, death, and fear in a world where violence is a daily news spectacle. Understanding that we are more connected and yet lonelier than ever, Makansi is interested in creating rituals of grieving that help us process this overwhelming loss—of those we love as well as those we never knew.

Public Art at RoCo

RoCo’s public art program enlivens the East Avenue neighborhood with temporary, site-specific public sculptures and special projects. Support provided by The New York State Council on the Arts, Farash Foundation, Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust, The County of Monroe, The Gouvernet Arts Fund, and Members of RoCo! Presented next to RoCo in the Cooney Family Garden in partnership with Christ Church.

Presented in Partnership with:

Rise Up Rochester

Supported by:

The New York State Council on the Arts
The Farash Foundation
The County of Monroe
The Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust
The Gouvernet Arts Fund
The Foster Charitable Trust
The Lovenheim Trust
and over 1,000 Members!