Open today 12 – 5pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

The Arena Art Group – 70 Years

September 3, 2021 - September 19, 2021

Opening Reception:  First Friday September 3, 6-9pm *Masks Required*

The Arena Art Group was founded in 1951 by artists who met at the old Arena Theatre on Holtzer Street in Rochester, New York. The Arena Group was the first organization of it’s kind to promote the work of contemporary artists emerging in the 1950’s from both New York City and Europe. The group has since showcased the work of many of the region’s most respected and accomplished artists. The mission of The Arena Art Group is to foster community interest in exploratory, experimental and non-traditional art forms through the exhibitions of it’s members. The group continues to maintain an active, viable and professional presence in the visual arts of Rochester and the surrounding area.

RoCo has a long history of exhibitions and partnerships with The Arena Art Group. Visit our exhibition archive to more about The Arena Group Exhibition (1988) and The Arena Group: Fourty Years of Modern Art in Rochester (1991)

Admission: $2 / Free for RoCo Members, Arena Members & Guests

image courtesy of James Thomas

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