Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Stewart Davis: A Memorial Exhibition

September 3, 2021 - September 19, 2021

Opening Reception:  First Friday September 3, 6-9pm

Many in the Rochester art community know Stewart as a great supporter of the arts, and of RoCo in particular. Many do not know that after retirement and spurred on by the call for entires for RoCo's Annual 6x6 exhibition, he began to make artwork of his own. In his later years he was never happier than when in his garage “studio” fearlessly exploring and expanding his ideas on whatever medium, wherever they lead — mostly favoring the backs of old cereal boxes.

RoCo will present this small memorial exhibition of his artworks in the Davis-Havens Gallery. As he said: “I never know what’s happening on the blank sheet. It sure is fun!”

Read more about Stewart and his long-term involvement at RoCo here.