Open Sunday 12 – 5pm CLOSED FOR GALLERY RESET Artwork Pick-up Days: 2/16-2/19 | Spring Exhibitions Open: March 7


March 9, 1990 - April 8, 1990

Orders is an exploration of the systems that we make in our personal, social, political, and academic lives. The exhibit features paintings, audio work, performances, photography, sculpture, film, and writing.


Luis Cruz Azaceta, Gordon Bleach, Vin Borrelli, Carrier Air Conditioning, Renee DuHart, Edgar Heap of Birds, Greg Elin, Consuelo Echeverria, Robert Flynt, Bonnie Gordon, Gary Gustavson, Phil Harris, Mike Ives, Steve Judd, Greg Kennell, Sandra Levine, Martha Madigan, Mike Mandell, Lev Manovitch, Ann McCallister, Scott McCarney, Bill McDowell, Robert McMath's Product Learning Center, Ming Mu-Ray, Ashley Parker Owens, John Pfahl, Sylvia de Swann, David Tinling, Ward's Natural Science, Jerome Weinberger, Corinne Whitaker, Fred Wilson
