Open Sunday 12 – 5pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Michael Rogers/ Jack Wax

February 1, 2008 - April 6, 2008

Michael Rogers/Jack Wax brings together the work of Michael Rogers and Jack Wax. Rogers and Wax have a long history of working and exchanging ideas with one another. Both artists are well known for their unique, though somewhat divergent, use of glass in their creative practice. Their mutual interests in philosophy and literature have also connected the two and serves to introduce their work at RoCo.

About the Artists

Themes running through both Rogers' and Wax's work include a self-conscious attention to collecting and repetition, in addition to the careful use of language and text to construct and alter meaning. Rogers is a Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology's School for American Crafts, while Wax is a Professor and head of the glass area at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Arts, Department of Material Studies.