Open Sunday 12 – 5pm CLOSED FOR GALLERY RESET Artwork Pick-up Days: 2/16-2/19 | Spring Exhibitions Open: March 7

In the Face of AIDS: IIII

November 12, 1993 - December 18, 1993

In the Face of AIDS: IIII is the last in a series of exhibitions curated by David Kwasigroh that feature works by poets and artists whose personal work deals with aspects of the AIDS crisis.


P. Parks Andrishok, Pat Bacon, Ava Cilberti, Josph Crivy, William Feeney, Robert Flynt, Michael Lassell, Joseph Miceli, Laura Miglirino, Michael Moretti, Shozo Nagano, Kathleen Olson, Joseph Radoccia, Allen Renfro, Joseph Scheer, JoAnne Seltzer, Judith Toler, Angel Suarez-Rosado
