Open today 12 – 5pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Deconstruction of the Mind

December 2, 2022 - May 15, 2023

This body of work originated as a series of six oracle cards, and after the artist, Shawnee took a brave step and made a major change in their life, the project shifted along with them. This artwork is offered to the community to show that it is okay to make changes in your life, regardless of how hard it is. Three artworks are presented outdoors at RoCo as progress of the mind, to continue learning, and sharing their experience with others.

Finding Self V. 1

Finding self reflects deconstruction of the turmoil that holds you back. Looking inward and opening yourself up to release.

Release V. 1
Actively letting go. Releasing what isn't for you at that time, regardless of how hard it is. You’ve laid the groundwork for a safe release.

Inner Wisdom V. 1
This piece is about honoring your ancestors who laid the road before you, that gave you the space to be able to achieve that inner peace, remembering what to be grateful for, taking 24 hours to process thoughtfully. Follow through.

I felt strongly about this project because I am beyond grateful to what this community has supported me through in life. I want people to know that we can do the hardest things, survive it, and be more than okay at the end of the day. Trust yourself, when you’ve put in the work. -SH

About the Artist

Shawnee Rebekah Morning Dove Hill (B. 1985, Canandaigua) is a multidisciplinary artist who works with a range of media. For as long as they can remember, Shawnee, has been surrounded by artists and creative expression. Their grandmother was an award winning porcelain doll artist, their mother was a designer, their siblings had a creative edge. There are threads of art and creative expression through their personal community with anchors in natural elements that connect them with their native heritage. The deconstruction of mind led them to this series, with a gentleness of offering grace to self and the determination for personal evolution. Shawnee studied at Pratt Institute and has exhibited locally and nationally. Their painted murals can be found throughout the Rochester region. @shawneehill

Artists and/or writers who are interested to learn more, or possibly propose the next installation please contact us.

Public Art at RoCo

In partnership with Christ Church and other friends, RoCo’s public art program enlivens the East Avenue neighborhood with temporary, site-specific public sculptures and special projects. Support provided by The New York State Council on the Arts, Farash Foundation, Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust, The County of Monroe, The Rochester Area Community Foundation, The Gouvernet Arts Fund, and Members of RoCo!
