Open Sunday 12 – 5pm CLOSED FOR GALLERY RESET Artwork Pick-up Days: 2/16-2/19 | Spring Exhibitions Open: March 7


June 6, 2015 - July 12, 2015

Rochester Contemporary Art Center's International Small Art Phenomenon returns for the 8th year with thousands of artworks from all around the world!

Opening Night’s Master of Ceremonies is Pam Sherman, the "Suburban Outlaw."

The annual 6x6 show at RoCo is the kind of event that feeds the soul of our city by bringing the world to Rochester in the shape of art that’s sized just right. It’s always a surprise of messy, joyful, edgy creativity. I’m so proud to be a part of the opening night which brings amazing energy to downtown at RoCo - exactly where fellow Suburban Outlaws should be!

Pam Sherman

View and Purchase 6x6 Artworks from all years here:

Thank you for your support!

Colleen Buzzard & Hartmut K. Land

Anne Havens & Stewart D. Davis

Constance Mauro

Sponsored by:

Gear Resource Technologies
Craig Zicari & Anne Coon
Jacquie & Andy Germanow
David & Ajia Cherry
Edith Lunt Small
Trillium Health
Mary V. Fisher
Essie Germanow
Sandra Frankel
Forté Capital
Jo Sibley