Open today 12 – 5pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

6×6 Art Making Sessions

February 7, 2020 - March 14, 2020

For the first time ever, we’re transforming the LAB Space into an art-making zone! On Friday nights February 7 - March 13 from 6-9pm we will be hosting 6x6 art-making activities lead by a diverse group of artists. This low-key, relaxed environment provides visitors the opportunity to stop by and create their 6x6 artwork, either by themselves or with guidance.

February 21: Phyllis Bryce Ely
February 28: Adam Kujawski
March 6: Kathleen Farrell & Cathryn Smith ( 6x6 Make Art Day )
March 13: Emily Bellinger


  • February 7, 2020 - March 14, 2020