Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

29th Annual Members Exhibition

December 6, 2019 - January 12, 2020

Opening Reception: Friday, December 6, 6-9pm
10% off for members
Awards Announced: December 6 at 7pm
First Friday: Dec. 6 & Jan. 3, 6-9pm
The Days the Artists Spoke: Dec. 14 & Jan. 3
Artwork Pick-up: Jan. 12, 5-7pm, Jan. 13 & 14, 12-6pm
Closed to the Public: December 25, 26, 27 & January 1
*Free admission for students with valid school ID
Image: Crazy RoCo Patchwork by Scott McCarney

For the 29th consecutive year we invite artists from the Rochester region and beyond to enter one artwork and participate in this incredibly diverse exhibition. Numerous international and national RoCo members also participate. Not a member yet? Join here.

The Days the Artists Spoke

The Days the Artists Spoke is a multi-day event of short, back-to-back talks by participating artists.  This is a unique event where visitors can learn more about many different regional artists. Artists will speak about their work in the Members Exhibition or their creative practice. Join us December 14 and January 3.

29th Annual Members Exhibition Awards

Members Choice Award: *Voting is ongoing*
What’s your favorite? The Members Choice Award is an interactive award selected by RoCo members. Green stickers are given at the Admissions Desk, one sticker = one vote. The stickers will accumulate for the duration of the exhibition and the winner will be announced on the last day of the Members Exhibition. Cash prize and bragging rights!

Bill Havens Award: Alexandre Angelone
Annually awarded to one participating artist. Chosen and given by Anne Havens in memory of her son Bill. $200

Record Archive Award: Paul Brandwein
This annual award is intended to support the pursuit of painting in the Rochester region. Selected and given by Richard Storms, owner of Record Archive. $100 Gift Certificate.

Wow Award: Maria Kane
Annual award given to an artwork that simply makes one say “Wow!” Selected by Bleu Cease, Executive Director of RoCo. $100 and a Household membership to RoCo.

Print Club Award: Michael Darcy
The Print Club of Rochester has selected one artist whose technical skills expand the traditional definition of printmaking. $35 basic membership to PCR and a $75 cash prize.

Edge Award: Myles Calvert
Art as inquiry. This award is presented to an artist whose work seems to be stretching boundaries, standing at the edge of what they know, peering into unforeseen territory. Selected and supported by Colleen Buzzard. $200

Arena Art Group Award: Connie Ehindero
This annual award is given by the Arena Art Group, whose purpose is to promote community interest in exploratory art forms. Selected by Sharon Locke and Constance Mauro. Application, membership fees, and dues to AAG waived. $100

Lumiere Photo Award: Paul Dodd
This award is given in support of the pursuit of photography to an artist who’s work, in whole or part, uses a photographic process. Chosen by William Edwards, owner of Lumiere Photo. $200 gift certificate.

AXOM Gallery Award: Carl Chiarenza
Awarded for exceptional use of materials/medium. Selected by Rick Muto. $100

George Eastman Museum Award: Lydia Boddie-Rice
Selected by Photographic Preservation and Collections Manager Olivia Arnone. Family level membership to George Eastman Museum.

City Newspaper Critic’s Pick: Sharon Dwyer Buzard
Selected by Rochester City Newspaper Arts & Entertainment Editor Rebecca Rafferty. Artwork will be featured in City Newspaper.

Mayor’s Choice Award: Richmond Futch Jr.
Selected by Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren. $100

Main Street Arts Award: Katherine Brown
Awarded for exceptional use of materials/medium. $100

Student Choice Award: *Voting is ongoing*
Selected by college students from across the region. Students vote throughout the exhibition and the winner will be announced on the last day of the exhibition. Along with the fame, the winner will receive a RoCo Thredz shirt and token for the Art-o-Mat! *Students! In order to participate, visit us during the members exhibition!

Wall Therapy Award: Noma Bliss
Selected by Ian Wilson and Erich Lehman. Wall Therapy swag bag with 2013 book, shirt, signed can from a WT artist, and more goodies.

Constance Mauro

Anne Havens & Stewart D Davis

John & Barbara Lovenheim

Shree Pandya in Loving Memory of Kishan Pandya

Sponsored by:

Dr. Eric Dreyfuss & Joan Rosenthal

Sandra & Neil Frankel