Open Friday 12 – 9pm CLOSED FOR GALLERY RESET | Spring Exhibitions Open: First Friday March 7

6×6 Procrastinator Party

April 7, 6pm

Are you a procrastinator who's been putting off creating your 6x6 artwork?
Don't worry, it's STILL not too late! Come to RoCo First Friday and use our supplies along with our easy-to-follow art prompts and create your beautiful 6x6 artwork in no time. We’ll have entry forms available so you can enter your work before you leave! One stop, create and drop…one day before the deadline : ) a procrastinator? No, not you!

In need of some direction for your 6x6? Here are some ideas to get you started!
- Create an artwork inspired by your favorite song, book, or movie
- Draw a blind contour self-portrait
- Make themed works with your friend
- Draw your favorite thing about Rochester
- Make an exquisite corpse with others at the table
- Create an artwork inspired by an artwork on display in As I Recall Her
- Make a 6x6 around an issue you're passionate about
- Flip to random magazine pages and make a collage with what you find

Admission $2 / Free for RoCo Members