Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

Announcing the Davis – Havens Gallery

RoCo is honored and excited to announce the Stewart Davis & Anne Havens fundraising gallery, named in recognition of their many contributions and generous support of RoCo. Thank you Stewart & Anne!

From the beginning Rochester Contemporary Art Center (formerly Pyramid Art Center) has presented cutting-edge local, regional and national art to its members and to the Rochester community. In its 40th year RoCo celebrates the outright ownership of its home at 137 East Avenue, in the very heart of the city’s Arts District. Its membership has grown to almost 1000.

We have been happy to be a part of RoCo’s great adventure, and to contribute to its growing endowment fund. We encourage all RoCo supporters to join in building the endowment to ensure RoCo’s continuing presence for the next 40 years, and beyond!

Go RoCo!
Oh, and don’t forget RoCo in your Will!

-Stewart Davis

We were inspired just before Pyramid/RoCo’s 25th birthday to join in and support the members and brave Board of Directors in  launching a new incarnation as what has become our beloved RoCo. It is hard to believe we are celebrating its 40th birthday already! It has been thrilling to watch this dream come true. RoCo really is a brilliant jewel in Rochester’s cultural life, and everyone who helped realize this dream should be proud! It has been a lot of fun, and I look forward to continuing to be surprised and inspired by what I find in RoCo’s galleries, challenged by the dialog it stimulates, and supported and enlightened by its community.

Finally, we must be sure to thank Bleu Cease, whose inspired leadership and tireless devotion have been hugely important in bringing RoCo to where it is today. Thank you Bleu!

Hip Hip Hooray!!  Happy Birthday RoCo!!  and may you live LONG and prosper.

-Anne Havens