Open Friday 12 – 9pm 6x6 Entries Due April 12

2017 by the Numbers


As 2017 comes to a close, we've almost achieved our goal of 1,000 members for the first time ever! To all of you who joined or renewed: Thank you for supporting contemporary art in downtown Rochester.


This year’s curated exhibitions included more than 20 emerging and established artists from New York State and beyond. We also hosted two special pop-up exhibitions featuring unique works by local fine craft artists.


In 2017 we hosted three important partnerships that helped to expand the dialogue surrounding contemporary art in our community. First, we collaborated with MAG to present Meleko Mokgosi: Pax Kaffraria. Second, we initiated a new program with VSW, Gallery r, and RoCo: The Rochester Biennial. Finally, for the third year, we partnered with the Rochester Advertising Federation to show fine artworks made by Rochester’s design community in the exhibition On the Side.


In early December we celebrated our 40th anniversary by burning our mortgage (Yay!), naming the Davis-Havens Gallery (in recognition of lead giving by long-time RoCo supporters Stewart Davis & Anne Havens), announcing 40+1 (a limited edition book by Peter Monacelli & Tony Leuzzi), and launching our fresh, new website and archive (you knew that already!).
RoCo was founded by artists in 1977 and continues to be sustained by the art community and general public. Over the last 40 years we’ve exhibited more than four thousand artists of all disciplines, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support. Best wishes for 2018!

Read more about our building here. Learn more about our history here. And see how you can support our future here.